The process of this service includes several stages.
Washing your hair regularly.
Toner application.
Head massage.
Washing your hair thoroughly with quality shampoos.
Balsam application for closing the cuticles.
This service does not include hair combing, that is another service for which you have to pay as a separate service.
Procesi i ketij sherbimi perfshin disa etapa.
Larja a flokut rrenjesisht .
Aplikimi i tonerit .
Masazhimi i kokes .
Larja a plote e plote e flokeve me shampot cilesore.
Aplikim Balsam per mbylljen e kutikulave.
Ky sherbim nuk perfshin krehjen e flokeve,ai eshte nje sherbim tjeter per te cilin duhet te paguani si sherbim me vete.